A Drafty Cabin: My Spiral Into Procrastination

Being a writer, I do a lot of weird things in the name of procrastination. Yesterday I made a super-volcano in my washing machine with baking powder and vinegar (it cleans the inside). I often pull out my magnification mirror and play amateur face surgeon until it appears that I have meth sores. I monitor my house for poltergeists. I think about lunch, a lot.

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Safer At Home With Norma Bates

As Colorado transitions from stay at home orders to safer at home, I am like a prison guard being asked to loosen restrictions. I barely remember parenting before these restrictions, back in the glorious times of friends, sports, and school. These middle school prisoners of mine are chomping at the bit for their freedom; is it wise to give them just a taste and not the whole thing?

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Is Potter a Problem?

I remember reluctantly reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in my twenties, hiding the cover, embarrassed to be studying a children's book. The embarrassment quickly fell away, and I was swept up in the series. I still maintain that it is one of my favorites. However, I wasn’t as intense as some Potter fans because I came to the series later in life. I didn’t dress up or get tattooed.

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Melody SinclairHarry Potter, Mom